Clients often ask when the school year begins and ends for homeschoolers in Florida. Usually, the next question is when an evaluation is due. Both of these questions are easy to answer for Florida clients. Keep in mind that each state has their own rules about home education, due dates, and whether you need testing and/or evaluations.

In Florida, your home education start date is the date you put on your letter of intent. The end date is when you send in a termination letter. Beyond that, it’s your decision as the parent or guardian when your child works, attends groups or field trips, and when they graduate. You choose the times when your school year is in session. Many families follow the local public school schedule, but there as some who do the opposite so they can travel when public schoolers are in school and stay home when public schoolers are on break. You can do what works for your family and your child.

Portfolio evaluations are due annually and you will turn them into your school district’s home education or school choice office after a Florida certified teacher reviews your child’s work samples, curriculum list, and activities calendar/list. You do this each year by the anniversary of your start date so each family will have their own due date. Keep in mind that, sometimes, siblings may have different dates if they left public/private school at different times or if the parent turns in the letter of intent on different dates for different kids. More evaluation information can be found at this link and this link .

If you are interested in a personalized consultation, please reach out to me. I’m happy to help.

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