When Is My Evaluation Due? When Does the School Year End?

Clients often ask when the school year begins and ends for homeschoolers in Florida. Usually, the next question is when an evaluation is due. Both of these questions are easy to answer for Florida clients. Keep in mind that each state has their own rules about home education, due dates, and whether you need testing …

Review of Critical Thinking Co.’s Mind Benders Series

Critical Thinking Co.’s Mind Benders series is more than just puzzles. Find out why in this post!

Homeschool New Year Resolutions

What are your new year’s homeschool resolutions?

Is My High School Student Ready to Graduate?

Home education law in Florida puts the responsibility for deciding when to graduate into the parents’ hands. Because of this, many parents ask, “How do I know when my child is ready to graduate?” The simple answer is that parents decide. However, each student’s path is going to be different and the signs that they …

Homeschooling and Special Needs

There are many reasons why families decide to home educate their children with special needs. Each family has a unique perspective, but I have noticed some trends. Some of the reasons families begin homeschooling include: Time for therapies Bonding and family time Flexibility helps with medical issues and meltdowns Testing, and the possible anxiety that …

Fidgeting During Learning Time

Find out how I handle fidgeting during class time.

How do I homeschool my gifted child?

How do I homeschool my gifted child?

What is Unschooling?

What is unschooling? Can I unschool in Florida?

What is the difference between FLVS and FLVS flex?

Should you use FLVS, FLVS flex, or somethigng else?

Is Cooking an Educational Activity?

Is Cooking an Educational Activity? Cooking has long been an activity we do because we must eat. Often people see this task as a necessary part of life. Some of us even dislike cooking either because we don’t know much about it or because it can be time consuming. But did you know that cooking …